With Thanksgiving coming up and many offices closing or reducing hours for the holiday, the end of November is a great time to kick-start practicing digital care. After all, video marketing and creating engaging video content is the most effective tool for engaging current patients, attracting new patients, and generating more digital referrals. Here at digitalcare100 we have a few tips about video marketing to make the most of your extra downtime.
1. Save yourself time by recording your most commonly-used topics
Effective communication is key to improving compliance and increasing patient satisfaction. Personable videos ensure that patients have a comprehensive understanding of their treatment plans and wellness journey. Many doctors discuss the same topics with most of their patients, whether it’s first appointment expectations, their treatment process, or simply the table topic of the month. Taking an afternoon on a slow day in the office is all that’s needed to knock out your most-used topics and save yourself time over the next calendar year. A few to start with:
1. First Appointment Expectations: make a video telling your patients what to expect when they enter your practice. If desired, you can configure the landing page that displays the video to have a link to your paperwork or schedule.
2. At-Home Exercises: this is a great topic to increase patient compliance with exercises. You can use our digitalcare100 templates for a general message reminding your patients to follow your advice, or you can make custom videos for common exercises for rehabilitation.
3. Stretching: as the days grow colder, stretching becomes more important. Record this video as a valuable piece of information and a helpful reminder for your patients. This video can be an educational video targeted for a specific exercise, or it can be a general reminder video used to improve patient compliance across your practice.
4. Ice vs. Heat: this is one of the most common-asked questions for chiropractors, "Should I be using ice or heat for my pain?" Video content like this is great to share because this is a valuable piece for patient education, but can also be used as a social media video or posted to your website to improve SEO.
2. Start your holiday drives
Did you know that 30% of annual giving occurs in December? On top of that, 10% of giving happens in the last 3 days of the year! As tradition dictates, Americans are in the giving mood during December. For that reason, preparing your holiday drives at the end of November is the best way to make sure you’re ready to roll them out over December. We’ve taken the effort to make video templates for a few popular charities, including Toys for Tots and the Boys & Girls club. We’d encourage you to reach out to your patient base with a charity message of your choice, encouraging your patients to bring by an item or provide a donation to a charity that you care about.
3. Record video messages to hold your patients accountable
An undoubtedly important factor for patient retention is patient compliance. When patients don't follow their doctors' instructions, they don't see the same positive results they would if they complied with their given routines. Use these video templates to highlight the importance of commitment and communication from the patients in your care.
1. Tell Me Everything: this patient compliance video is used to remind patients to never withhold health history from you. Oftentimes, new patients can be hesitant to share all of their health history with a doctor they've just started seeing, but having a full picture of a patient's medical record is crucial to making an accurate diagnosis and effective recovery plan. Patients that refrain from withholding information heal more quickly, leading to better retention, reviews, and referrals.
2. Committing to the Process: use this video to boost your retention and reduce the number of patients that don't complete care. Many patients you see will be receiving chiropractic care for the first time, so use this video message to explain the importance of sticking with the recovery plan that you've developed. Patients that receive this message are more likely to stay in your care and become healthy and as a result will recommend you to friends and family and go to you the next time that they require your services.
3. Not Following Instructions: an important piece of patient compliance is holding your patients accountable. Calling a patient out for not following your instructions or making bad health choices isn't a fun experience for either party, but it's a necessary evil for ensuring that your patients get the most out of their time with your practice.
4. Load up your schedule for December
Most doctors have the contact information for patients that they’ve treated before but have lost contact with, but unfortunately, few doctors take active measures to reengage the patients that have stopped visiting them for care. According to a Harvard Business School report, a 5% increase in retention can result in a 25% to 95% increase in profits! Further, 80% of a practice's future revenue can come from just 20% of its existing patients. Thus, utilizing video communication, educational videos, and video testimonials are crucial for keeping your practice competitive heading into 2020. Take some time at the end of this month to build a list of patients you’d like to see again and make a plan to reengage them and invite them back to your practice. Below is an example of a mobile recording that was used to bring patients back into a practice and boost this practice's retention:
We hope this post inspires you to take some digital care initiative this month. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to me directly. Have a great day!